A flood is a condition, generally temporary, in which land that is normally dry is flooded with water or mudflow. Floods can happen from many types of events such as: Storms, downpours, hurricanes, clogged drains, or rapid accumulation of rainfall. In today’s day and age, there may be documentation available regarding flood zones in your municipality or at Fema. However, flood zones can change over time, and some municipalities may not have records. Also, Fema periodically updates flood maps and zones. Flood-hazard maps have been created to show different degrees of risk for your community, which help determine the cost of flood insurance. If you would like to find out if you property in a flood zone then see these Fema flood maps

Can my flood zone change?

Yes they can. Flood maps are periodically reviewed by FEMA and can change in time.

If you are looking to purchase a flood elevation certificate then use the contact form below:

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